

Items 1-32 of 64

Set Descending Direction
  1. Wildlife Attracting Mixture
    Garden Treasures
    Wildlife Attracting Mixture
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  2. Sunflower Tall (Helianthus annuus giganteus)
    Garden Treasures
    Sunflower Tall (Helianthus annuus giganteus)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  3. Poppy Wildflower Red (Papaver rhoeas)
    Garden Treasures
    Poppy Wildflower Red (Papaver rhoeas)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  4. Pumpkin Connecticut Field (cucurbita pepo)
    Garden Treasures
    Pumpkin Connecticut Field (cucurbita pepo)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  5. Strawberry Alpine (Fragaria vescans)
    Garden Treasures
    Strawberry Alpine (Fragaria vescans)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  6. Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)
    Garden Treasures
    Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  7. Grass Seed
    Canada Green
    Grass Seed
    From £12.99
    RRP £31.99 Save £19.00
  8. Onion Brunswick (Allium cepa)
    Garden Treasures
    Onion Brunswick (Allium cepa)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  9. Sweetcorn Golden Bantam (Zea mais)
    Garden Treasures
    Sweetcorn Golden Bantam (Zea mais)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  10. Basil Sweet (Ocimum basilicum)
    Garden Treasures
    Basil Sweet (Ocimum basilicum)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  11. Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
    Garden Treasures
    Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  12. Coriander (Coriandrun sativum)
    Garden Treasures
    Coriander (Coriandrun sativum)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  13. Oregano (Oreganum vulgare)
    Garden Treasures
    Oregano (Oreganum vulgare)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  14. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
    Garden Treasures
    Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  15. Carrot Autumn King Late (Daucus carota)
    Garden Treasures
    Carrot Autumn King Late (Daucus carota)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  16. Carrot Early Nantes (Daucus carota)
    Garden Treasures
    Carrot Early Nantes (Daucus carota)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  17. Cherry Tomato Cerise (Solanum lycopersicum L)
    Garden Treasures
    Cherry Tomato Cerise (Solanum lycopersicum L)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  18. Cabbage Greyhound (brassica oleracea var.alba)
    Garden Treasures
    Cabbage Greyhound (brassica oleracea var.alba)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  19. Cabbage Savoy Vertus (Brassica oleraces)
    Garden Treasures
    Cabbage Savoy Vertus (Brassica oleraces)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  20. Mint (Mentha piperita)
    Garden Treasures
    Mint (Mentha piperita)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  21. Parsley Plain Leaf (Petroselinum crispum)
    Garden Treasures
    Parsley Plain Leaf (Petroselinum crispum)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  22. Broad Bean Bunyards Exhibition (Vicia faba)
    Garden Treasures
    Broad Bean Bunyards Exhibition (Vicia faba)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  23. Beetroot Boltardy (Beta Vulgaris)
    Garden Treasures
    Beetroot Boltardy (Beta Vulgaris)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  24. Chilli Cayenne (Capsicum annuum)
    Garden Treasures
    Chilli Cayenne (Capsicum annuum)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  25. Chilli Jalapeno (Capsicum annuum)
    Garden Treasures
    Chilli Jalapeno (Capsicum annuum)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  26. Cucumber Market (Cucumis sativus)
    Garden Treasures
    Cucumber Market (Cucumis sativus)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
  27. Curly Kale Westland Autumn (Brassica oleraces)
    Garden Treasures
    Curly Kale Westland Autumn (Brassica oleraces)
    RRP £2.99 Save £1.50
per page

Seeds are the foundation of any garden, so it's important to choose the right type of seed for your needs. Whether you're looking for flower seeds or vegetable seeds, we have a wide range available. We also offer fast delivery so you can get your garden started as soon as possible. With our high-quality seeds, you'll be able to create the garden of your dreams. So why wait? Start your gardening journey today with our wide range of seeds.